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Zoetis Reports on Q4 and FY2019


Kristin Peck CEO Zoetis

In a press release dated February 13th Zoetis Inc. (ZTS) announced results for the 4th Quarter and FY 2019 ending December 31st 2019.

The following table summarizes the results for the period compared with the values for the corresponding quarter of the previous fiscal year (Values expressed as US$ x 1,000 except EPS)

4th Quarter Ending December 31st.


] 2019

Difference (%)





Gross profit:




Operating income:




Pre-tax Income

Net Income







Diluted earnings per share:




Gross Margin (%)




Operating Margin (%)




Profit Margin (%)




Long-term Debt:




12 Months Trailing:


Return on Assets (%)



Return on Equity (%)



Operating Margin (%)



Profit Margin (%)



Total Assets




Market Capitalization



52-Week Range in Share Price: $91.21 to $146.26; 50-day moving average $137.79

Market Close Friday 14th post-release $144.07

Forward P/E 30.0

For FY 2019, ZTS earned $1.50 billion on revenue of $6.26 billion with an EPS of $3.14
The comparative figures for FY 2018, ZTS earned $1.43 billion on revenue of $5.83 billion with an EPS of $2.96

Revenue of $1.674 billion for Q4 was derived from livestock (51.9 percent) companion species (46.8 percent) and contract manufacturing (1.3 percent). U.S revenue for Q4 represented 51.4 percent of total, with 41.0 percent derived from livestock. International revenue for Q4 represented 48.6 percent of total, with 62.1 percent derived from livestock.

In commenting on results for Q4 and FY 2019 Kristin Peck, CEO stated “in 2019, Zoetis delivered another year of strong growth and market leadership thanks to our diverse and durable portfolio and commitment to continuous innovation,” she added “we grew revenue 10% operationally, which is once again above market growth in a competitive, global sector. We also grew our adjusted net income faster than revenue, at 14% operationally, continuing to achieve our goal of growing profitability faster than revenue over the long term.”

Guidance for FY 2020 included revenue in the range of $6.65 to $6.80 billion; net earnings of $1.69 to $1.75 billion and an EPS range of $3.53 to $3.65.