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New Product Range from Kraft-Heinz


In a June 23rd press release Kraft-Heinz announced that their Just Crack an Egg™ brand has introduced a range of Omelet Rounds. These baked breakfast options can be prepared in under a minute.


Maureen O’Neill, Brand Manager stated “We love eggs at Just Crack an Egg and omelets are wonderfully delicious but also tricky to make,” Ms. O’Neill added “With Omelet Rounds, we want to introduce egg-lovers to a quick and easy-to-prep way to get the best of a classic egg breakfast in the comfort of their kitchen or on the go.”


Just Crack an Egg Omelet Rounds are made with cage-free eggs and use a baking method to achieve a hot and fluffy center. Omelet Rounds are available in four flavors:-

  • All American: omelets with uncured bacon and sharp cheddar cheese
  • Three Meat: omelets with pork sausage, uncured bacon, uncured ham and cheddar cheese
  • Classic: omelets with uncured ham, cheddar cheese, red pepper, green pepper and onion
  • Broccoli Cheddar: omelets with cheddar cheese and broccoli