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Schnuck Markets to Deploy Tally Robots


Schnuck Markets based in St. Louis, MO. has arranged with Simbe Robotics to deploy Tally robots in 111 locations.  Tally robots continually travel along aisles and scan shelves to confirm inventory position, pricing and promotions.  Data and analytical reports contribute to inventory optimization.  A decision to extend Tally to all stores is based on a preliminary evaluation in 2017 and subsequent expansion to 62 stores in 2020.



Claimed benefits for Tally include:


  • Detection of out-of-stock items


  • Improved pricing and promotional implementation


  • Increased precision of real-time inventory control and replenishment


Brad Bogolea, founder and CEO of Simbe Robotics stated, “This expansion is a momentous occasion for Simbe, it demonstrates that robots that are thoughtfully deployed are critically important tools for retailers to improve bottom-line, support teams and maintain an exceptional shopping experience both in stores and for on-line sales”.