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Paine Schwartz And Affiliates Complete Investment In Hendrix-Genetics


In a March 30th release, Hendrix-Genetics announced that Paine Schwartz Food Chain Fund, together with affiliates Mitsui and Co. and Rabo Investments now hold 50% of the equity of Hendrix-Genetics.  The remainder of the shareholding is held by company co-founders Thijs Hendrix and Antoon van den Berg.


Thijs Hendrix, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Hendrix-Genetics stated, “With the completion of this investment we are beginning Hendrix-Genetic’s next phase of growth and success.”  He added, “We are pleased to officially welcome the teams from Paine Schwartz, Mitsui and Co., Rabo Investments and other partners and look forward to benefitting from their expertise and support.”


Jolanda van Haarlem CEO

Jolanda van Haarlem, CEO of Hendrix-Genetics stated, “With our new investors now on board we are well prepared to accelerate our evolution, enhance our industry leading capabilities and become an even better partner to our valued customers.”


Hendrix-Genetics was founded in 2005 and is a leading multi-species genetic and technology company distributing breeding stock for turkeys, egg production hens, hogs, salmon, trout and shrimp.


Additional information on the company and its activities can be accessed by clicking on to the Hendrix-Genetics logo on the right side of the Welcome page.