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AEB Appointment to Develop Innovative Products


The American Egg Board has appointed Bradd Bosely to the position of Director of Egg Innovation. In this role he will lead aspects of the AEB Innovation Plan, including developing new products, building strategic relationships and establishing a technical research program. 


Emily Metz President & CEO of the AEB commented “We are delighted to welcome Bradd to the incredible world of eggs. With his strong culinary background and expertise in new product development, we are confident he will be a tremendous asset in forging a robust innovation pipeline, unique partnerships and bringing exciting new ideas to the market on behalf of the egg industry,”


Bosely has extensive experience in developing new products through past affiliations with Seven-11 Convenience Stores & Speedway where he served as Director, Concept and Innovation and at Meijer Stores as the Head of Product Development and Internal Manufacturing. He earned a Culinary R&D degree from Johnson & Wales (Providence, RI), and was raised on a family farm in Michigan.