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Swamp Shootout Claims 15,000 Pigeons


According to press reports, a pigeon massacre was organized at the Quail Creek Sporting Ranch in Okeechobee, FL.  Pigeons were transported to the facility and were released from boxes using an ejection device to be shot. Not very sporting despite the name of the venue.


Apart from the wanton slaughter of birds that were not gathered for food, many of the abandoned carcasses containing lead shot will be consumed by scavenging raptors and mammals resulting in lead toxicity. Moving large numbers of pigeons from numerous states to a central location also adds to the risk of disseminating avian influenza.


According to reports of the swamp shootout event, there did not appear to be any hunting skill required and the activity could easily have been replaced with clay targets that are usually offered.


Appropriate complaints have been filed with the Florida Fishing and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the State Attorney General.