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Kroger to Hire Additional Workers


Kroger has initiated recruitment of an additional 10,000 workers for summer by staging events including job-fairs and conducting on-line and in-person interviews. In their hiring activities, Kroger will consider veterans, high school and college students, retirees and applicants with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Tim Massa, Senior VP and Chief People Officer for The Kroger Company stated, "to continue advancing our inclusive culture, where associates feel valued and can feed their future, we are embracing greater collaboration, technology and innovation to attract, identify and develop talent to help us deliver our business goals".  Since March 2020, Kroger has hired more than 100,000 new workers and invested $1.5 billion in benefits and remuneration.  A recent incentive comprised a $100 store credit and a $100 payment to associates who receive full COVID vaccination.


Dawn Gilmore, head of Talent Acquisition at Kroger stated, " in today's highly competitive labor market we know talent is selective and attracted to companies that are leading with a clear purpose, growing and improving every day and committed to offering a diverse, inclusive and engaging culture".