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Kraft-Heinz Posts Q3 Results


In an October 27th release, The Kraft-Heinz Company (KHC) reported on the third quarter of Fiscal 2021 ending September 25th. For the period, the company earned $733 million, with an operating profit of $1,156 on total revenue of $6,324 million and an EPS of $0.59. For Q3 of Fiscal 2020 the company earned $597 million, with an operating profit of $1,147 on total revenue of $6,441 million and an EPS of $0.49. In comparing comparable quarters, revenue increased by 1.8 percent, operating profit by 0.8 percent, net profit by 22.8 percent and EPS by 20.4 percent.


In commenting on results, Miguel Patricio, CEO stated, "I am incredibly proud of our Kraft- Heinz team for delivering another quarter of results that exceed our expectations, even as we face the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and now, escalating inflation,” He added, “We are effectively adapting to near-term challenges while transforming our business and rejuvenating our iconic brands to better serve consumers for the long term. We still have much to do, but our momentum is strong and our strategy to bring agility to our scale is working, which is why we are increasing full-year expectations."


Market capitalization of Kraft-Heinz is $44,530 million.  During the past fifty-two weeks, KHC has traded in a range of $29.42 to $44.95 with a fifty-day moving average of $36.67. On a trailing twelve-month basis, operating margin was 22.8 percent and profit margin, 8.2 percent.  The Company has generated returns of 3.9 percent on assets and 4.4 percent on equity.