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Amazon Still Searching for Successful Retail Strategy and Image


According to Amazon CEO Andy Jassy, the Company has halted expansion of Amazon Fresh and other store formats in order to redefine strategy and to select an appropriate brick-and-mortar format that generates an acceptable return on investment. 


It is clear to observers that Inc. has failed to make a major impact on grocery retail against established competition from major chains including Kroger and Walmart.  Although Whole Foods Market is holding its own in the up-market segment, it faces competition from chains including Wegman’s, the Harris Teeter subsidiary of Kroger and regional stores offering organic local and gourmet foods, selected produce and prepared meals in a “destination environment” including wine bars and cafes.


During the fourth quarter of FY 2022, Amazon took a $720 million charge from closing some stores and writing down assets.


The situation may become more complicated for Amazon as consumers return to traditional brick-and-mortar shopping and take advantage of pick-up options now offered by most chains.