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New Year Greeting


As we transition from a turbulent 2023 we wish our Subscribers and sponsors a productive and more peaceful coming year


Our hopes for 2024 are:


  • An end to the current wave of HPAI and a more rational approach to protection of flocks in high-risk areas by adoption of vaccination to supplement biosecurity.
  • A reversal of USDA and EPA policies to place intensive livestock production at a disadvantage. Proposed new rules under the Packers and Stockyards act and limiting pollution from waste discharges should be reconsidered with respect to objectives, economic impact and implementation
  • Continued improvement in the economy with an anticipated ‘soft landing”
  • Resolution of Congressional deadlock through bipartisanship, allowing passage of appropriations bills, evolution of a practical immigration and border entry policy and reducing unnecessary and wasteful spending.
  • Restoration of peace in conflict areas to alleviate suffering


The EGG-NEWS Team wishes you a successful and profitable 2024.


Barbara and I look forward to renewing our friendship at the IPPE